How to Survive Temper Tantrums

Show: (March 14, 2023)
It’s your worst nightmare. Your child throws a tantrum in a public place. You’re stressed out and are ready to have a tantrum of your own.How can you deal?The most difficult — yet most important — thing to do is to ignore your child during the temper tantrum. See if the tantrum dies down.If that […]
It’s your worst nightmare. Your child throws a tantrum in a public place. You’re stressed out and are ready to have a tantrum of your own.How can you deal?The most difficult — yet most important — thing to do is to ignore your child during the temper tantrum. See if the tantrum dies down.If that […]
How to Survive Temper Tantrums

It’s your worst nightmare. Your child throws a tantrum in a public place. You’re stressed out and are ready to have a tantrum of your own.How can you deal?The most difficult — yet most important — thing to do is to ignore your child during the temper tantrum. See if the tantrum dies down.If that […]

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What to Do if Your Child Has Lice

Show: (March 7, 2023)
Even the cleanest children get lice. Those little bugs tend to nest in certain colors and textures of hair, which is why some people get repeat visits.Lice are bugs that crawl from one scalp to another. They can crawl from combs, brushes, and clothing onto a fresh scalp. The bugs look like sesame seeds, and […]
Even the cleanest children get lice. Those little bugs tend to nest in certain colors and textures of hair, which is why some people get repeat visits.Lice are bugs that crawl from one scalp to another. They can crawl from combs, brushes, and clothing onto a fresh scalp. The bugs look like sesame seeds, and […]
What to Do if Your Child Has Lice

Even the cleanest children get lice. Those little bugs tend to nest in certain colors and textures of hair, which is why some people get repeat visits.Lice are bugs that crawl from one scalp to another. They can crawl from combs, brushes, and clothing onto a fresh scalp. The bugs look like sesame seeds, and […]

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Importance of Father Figures

Show: (February 28, 2023)
A recent report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics proves the importance of fathers in the development of young children.Engaged fathers are associated with better academic success, health, social skills, and confidence. Their children also have less delinquency and reduced likelihood of substance abuse.It really matters to get dads involved with children. They don’t […]
A recent report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics proves the importance of fathers in the development of young children.Engaged fathers are associated with better academic success, health, social skills, and confidence. Their children also have less delinquency and reduced likelihood of substance abuse.It really matters to get dads involved with children. They don’t […]
Importance of Father Figures

A recent report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics proves the importance of fathers in the development of young children.Engaged fathers are associated with better academic success, health, social skills, and confidence. Their children also have less delinquency and reduced likelihood of substance abuse.It really matters to get dads involved with children. They don’t […]

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Children, Seasonal Depression, and Staying Busy in the Winter

Show: (February 14, 2023)
The slowness of winter and the stress of the holidays can be a lot, even for our children.  Hilary Bowers, MD, is the Director of Behavioral and Mental Health Services and a board-certified pediatrician providing care through the Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG). She is also a member of the UC San Diego Health […]
The slowness of winter and the stress of the holidays can be a lot, even for our children.  Hilary Bowers, MD, is the Director of Behavioral and Mental Health Services and a board-certified pediatrician providing care through the Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG). She is also a member of the UC San Diego Health […]
Children, Seasonal Depression, and Staying Busy in the Winter

The slowness of winter and the stress of the holidays can be a lot, even for our children.  Hilary Bowers, MD, is the Director of Behavioral and Mental Health Services and a board-certified pediatrician providing care through the Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG). She is also a member of the UC San Diego Health […]

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Fostering Healthy Goals & Attitudes

Show: (January 31, 2023)
Everyone craves a fresh start sometimes, even our children. Whether it’s a brand new year, or just wanting to try something new at any point in the year, it’s important to be realistic and healthy when it comes to setting goals.  Joining us for this conversation is Nicole Cifra, MD, MPH, MHPEd, an attending physician in […]
Everyone craves a fresh start sometimes, even our children. Whether it’s a brand new year, or just wanting to try something new at any point in the year, it’s important to be realistic and healthy when it comes to setting goals.  Joining us for this conversation is Nicole Cifra, MD, MPH, MHPEd, an attending physician in […]
Fostering Healthy Goals & Attitudes

Everyone craves a fresh start sometimes, even our children. Whether it’s a brand new year, or just wanting to try something new at any point in the year, it’s important to be realistic and healthy when it comes to setting goals.  Joining us for this conversation is Nicole Cifra, MD, MPH, MHPEd, an attending physician in […]

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Preventing Winter Injuries: Indoors & Outdoors

Show: (January 17, 2023)
When we’re out of our routines, that is the best time for chaos to enter the home. And with the holidays and winter breaks, all kinds of crazy injuries can happen. Even in the depths of winter.  So today we’re talking about the most common injuries doctors see this season (a lot of injuries in […]
When we’re out of our routines, that is the best time for chaos to enter the home. And with the holidays and winter breaks, all kinds of crazy injuries can happen. Even in the depths of winter.  So today we’re talking about the most common injuries doctors see this season (a lot of injuries in […]
Preventing Winter Injuries: Indoors & Outdoors

When we’re out of our routines, that is the best time for chaos to enter the home. And with the holidays and winter breaks, all kinds of crazy injuries can happen. Even in the depths of winter.  So today we’re talking about the most common injuries doctors see this season (a lot of injuries in […]

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Flu & Virus Prevention

Show: (January 3, 2023)
Between the seasonal flu, COVID-19, and the rising number of kids with RSV, it’s time to talk about this triple-demic. Today we’ll talk about the slight differences between these 3 big illnesses hitting us this winter, what kind of symptoms to look for, and what to expect for the rest of the year’s flu season.  […]
Between the seasonal flu, COVID-19, and the rising number of kids with RSV, it’s time to talk about this triple-demic. Today we’ll talk about the slight differences between these 3 big illnesses hitting us this winter, what kind of symptoms to look for, and what to expect for the rest of the year’s flu season.  […]
Flu & Virus Prevention

Between the seasonal flu, COVID-19, and the rising number of kids with RSV, it’s time to talk about this triple-demic. Today we’ll talk about the slight differences between these 3 big illnesses hitting us this winter, what kind of symptoms to look for, and what to expect for the rest of the year’s flu season.  […]

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Organized Sports Participation

Show: (December 27, 2022)
Watching your child play sports is exciting. You can support your child as an organized sports participant both emotionally and physically.Benefits of Organized Sports weight control time management organization skills better bone density improved mental health social skills feeling of competence Listen to this encore episode from September 2019 as Dr. Kelsey Logan joins Melanie Cole, […]
Watching your child play sports is exciting. You can support your child as an organized sports participant both emotionally and physically.Benefits of Organized Sports weight control time management organization skills better bone density improved mental health social skills feeling of competence Listen to this encore episode from September 2019 as Dr. Kelsey Logan joins Melanie Cole, […]
Organized Sports Participation

Watching your child play sports is exciting. You can support your child as an organized sports participant both emotionally and physically.Benefits of Organized Sports weight control time management organization skills better bone density improved mental health social skills feeling of competence Listen to this encore episode from September 2019 as Dr. Kelsey Logan joins Melanie Cole, […]

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When Should I Get My Child A Cell Phone?

Show: (December 20, 2022)
Today’s children grow up immersed in digital media, which can have both positive and negative effects on healthy development. And it can be difficult to know when your child should have a phone of their own.  Well, to help you out, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and AT&T have teamed up to launch a […]
Today’s children grow up immersed in digital media, which can have both positive and negative effects on healthy development. And it can be difficult to know when your child should have a phone of their own.  Well, to help you out, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and AT&T have teamed up to launch a […]
When Should I Get My Child A Cell Phone?

Today’s children grow up immersed in digital media, which can have both positive and negative effects on healthy development. And it can be difficult to know when your child should have a phone of their own.  Well, to help you out, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and AT&T have teamed up to launch a […]

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Talking About Jaundice

Show: (December 6, 2022)
You’ve probably heard the term jaundice before, and that it makes yellow babies, but you may not really understand what it is. New guidelines released recently say jaundice is not something that we consider to be pathologic, but more physiologic, and it’s actually quite common in newborn babies. In this episode, we cover just what […]
You’ve probably heard the term jaundice before, and that it makes yellow babies, but you may not really understand what it is. New guidelines released recently say jaundice is not something that we consider to be pathologic, but more physiologic, and it’s actually quite common in newborn babies. In this episode, we cover just what […]
Talking About Jaundice

You’ve probably heard the term jaundice before, and that it makes yellow babies, but you may not really understand what it is. New guidelines released recently say jaundice is not something that we consider to be pathologic, but more physiologic, and it’s actually quite common in newborn babies. In this episode, we cover just what […]

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