We’ve Got the Upper Hand
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at Portland Shriners Hospital for treating upper extremities.
Healing Heroes PDX
Women in Medicine with Dr. Raney
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
All About Our Medical Staff with Dr. Bernstein
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Keeping Kids in Sports
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Introducing Dr. Paranjape
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Shriners Children’s Portland Celebrates 100 Years
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
I’m Just Small, That’s All
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Promoting Kindness Despite Differences
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Muscular Dystrophy
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Why Does Sleep Matter to Your Child’s Mental Health?
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...
ListenHealing Heroes PDX
Bone Density in Children
Dr. Krister Freese discusses the different conditions treated that affect a child's upper extremity and the different services provided at ...