Talking To Kids About Racism Towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI)
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
So how do we discuss this hate and violence with our children? Bring up the topic of racism in general, and simply teach empathy?
Dr. Steph Lee is back again to help us approach this conversation with our children. She is a pediatrician with Penn State Health and specializes in preventive medicine. She is a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics and often speaks to the media about parenting and public health issues, including climate action and immigrant health.
Healthy Children
How to Survive Temper Tantrums
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
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What to Do if Your Child Has Lice
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
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Importance of Father Figures
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
Children, Seasonal Depression, and Staying Busy in the Winter
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
Fostering Healthy Goals & Attitudes
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
Preventing Winter Injuries: Indoors & Outdoors
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
Flu & Virus Prevention
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
Organized Sports Participation
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
When Should I Get My Child A Cell Phone?
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...
ListenHealthy Children
Talking About Jaundice
A disturbing trend has been on the rise in the United States: racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. So ...