Picking Our Brain with Shepherd Center
Picking Our Brain with Shepherd Center
Infection Prevention in the Acute Rehabilitation Setting
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Infection Prevention in the Acute Rehabilitation Setting

Show: (January 25, 2016)

infection-prevention-in-the-acute-rehabilitation-settingPatients at Shepherd Center are at risk of infection for a few important reasons.

The risk goes up the longer a person is in a facility, and Shepherd’s average inpatient is in the hospital for more than six weeks.

Because Shepherd Center is a rehabilitation facility, patients are very mobile throughout the hospital, which sacrifices some infection protection afforded by having them stay put in their rooms.

Also, a high proportion of Shepherd patients use medical devices that add the risk of infection; these include certain kinds of IVs, tracheostomies and urinary catheters.

Listen in as Sarah Culberson, RN, discusses how Shepherd Center is working to decrease the risks of infection to patients.

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Patients at Shepherd Center are at risk of infection for a few important reasons. The risk goes up the longer ...


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Patients at Shepherd Center are at risk of infection for a few important reasons. The risk goes up the longer ...


Life After Stroke Rehabilitation

Patients at Shepherd Center are at risk of infection for a few important reasons. The risk goes up the longer ...
